4 moves to help you create tight hips and legs!


fitness one

4 moves to help you create tight hips and legs. Please complete the following four movements 10-20 times each for 4 sets.

1. Barbell squats


fitness two


Important points: Pay attention to the knee and toe direction is consistent, the knee joint should be stable, squat to the thigh slightly lower level.


2. Dumbbell squats


fitness three


Important points: Stand wide apart with your feet on a padded board and keep your head and back neutral throughout.


3. Kettlebell (or barbell piece) side lunge


fitness four


Important points: Hold the kettlebell in front of your chest with both hands, and pay attention to the point of your toes and knees.


4. Kettlebell swing




Key points: Grip the kettlebell with both hands, control the core muscles, and firmly contract the buttocks to swing the kettlebell parallel to the floor.

Post time: Oct-31-2024