How can you sharpen your muscles during fitness training?
In addition to reasonable weight training to improve muscle dimension, we also need to control our body fat percentage. Because the excess fat will cover the muscle line, your tendon meat will not be as noticeable.
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The following Xiaobian to share a few practices, can make your muscle lines become more clear oh!
1, gradually improve the intensity of aerobic exercise
During muscle building training, we also need to maintain aerobic exercise 2-3 times a week, aerobic exercise can strengthen the heart and lung function, improve your exercise ability. However, low-intensity aerobic exercise affects the efficiency of muscle growth, it is recommended that you gradually increase the intensity of aerobic exercise.
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At the beginning, you may only be able to control jogging, cycling and other sports, but after a period of time, your athletic ability will improve, physical endurance will strengthen, we can choose high-intensity interval training, these aerobic exercises combined with exercise, both to break down fat and exercise muscles, can help you brush low body fat rate at the same time, so that muscle lines highlight.
High-intensity interval training, such as HIIT interval training, jumping rope, sprint running training, only need 20-30 minutes each time to achieve the purpose of exercise, shorter time, higher fitness benefits.

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2. Supplement protein and proper amount of carbohydrates after training
Muscle growth cannot be separated from the supplement of nutrition, and learning to eat during fitness can improve the efficiency of muscle building. After fitness training muscles are in a torn state, this time extra meals can replenish energy to the muscles, and the synthesis rate of fat is very low.
Therefore, 30 minutes after fitness training, you can choose to eat a boiled egg +2 pieces of whole wheat bread or a scoop of whey protein + a bowl of oatmeal to supplement the body muscle nutrition, improve the speed of muscle repair, so that muscles grow more robust.

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3. Maintain a low fat diet and supplement with good fats
Fat is an indispensable nutrient element for the body, which can promote the synthesis of hormones and help the synthesis of muscles. However, excessive fat intake can cause fat to accumulate.
Fat is everywhere, and you can eat too much if you’re not careful. Fats are commonly found in eggs, fish, pork, avocados, nuts, chocolate, and cakes. Trans fatty acids are not good for your health. They can lead to obesity and cardiovascular disease.

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We should pay attention to a healthy diet, supplement high-quality fat, choose eggs, seafood, nuts to maintain the body’s needs of fat, choose healthy oils such as olive oil when cooking, do low oil and salt cooking, control the intake of fat.
At the same time, you should stay away from all kinds of cookies, chocolate, cake unhealthy food, the fat in these foods is not conducive to health, will affect the efficiency of fitness.

4, smart distribution of carbohydrate staple foodfitness exercise 2
Staple foods are rich in carbohydrates, and the body’s utilization of carbohydrates is different at different times. The body lacks capacity in the morning, when the supplement of carbohydrates can provide metabolic impetus to the body, and the rate of fat synthesis is lowest at this time.
At night, near sleep time, this time the coefficient of physical activity decreases, and too much carbohydrates are consumed at this time, and fat is easy to accumulate.
Therefore, we can supplement the carbohydrate staple food in the morning and before and after training, and reduce the intake of carbohydrate staple food in the evening, which helps to build muscle and reduce fat and improve the fitness effect.

Post time: May-30-2024