Fitness is not only a kind of exercise, but also a reflection of life attitude. Fitness exercise requires sweat and is a battle against body inertia. Over time, you will begin to feel the joy of fitness, which gradually transforms into a lifestyle habit, an addictive enjoyment. 

 fitness exercise 1

Long-term adherence to fitness can reap many benefits, not only make our body stronger, resist disease invasion, but also promote cell regeneration and resist the aging rate.

The most important thing is that fitness exercise can improve the activity metabolism, avoid fat accumulation, and improve muscle mass, helping us to shape a great figure.

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If you want to fitness, but do not know from which exercise to start, it is recommendedthat you start from self-weight training, do not need to go out, use scattered time at home can open exercise, experience sweating, fat burning pleasure, very suitable for office workers and students.

7 practical actions to reduce fat and increase muscle, can exercise the body muscle group, while improving the metabolic level, so that you have a tight body line after slimming down.

Action 1, jumping jacks, this action can quickly increase the heart rate, activate the body muscle group, let the body into the fat-burning state.

fitness one

Action 2, high leg lift, this movement can exercise the lower limb muscle group, improve joint flexibility.

fitness two

Action 3, push-ups, this action can exercise the arms, chest muscles, shoulder muscles, shape a good looking upper limb line.


Action 4, flat jumping jacks, this action can exercise the core muscle group, improve the problem of back pain, create a straight posture.

fitness four


Action 5, prone climbing, this action can exercise the abdominal muscle group, shape the abdominal line.

fitness five

Action 6, squat, this action can exercise the buttock leg, improve the buttock shape, shape the tight legs, create a beautiful buttock leg curve.

fitness six

Action 7, lunge squat, this action is an upgrade of the squat, but also to improve balance ability, strengthen lower limb stability, exercise effect is better than squat.

fitness seven

Each action is performed for 20-30 seconds, and then the next action group rest for 20-30 seconds, and the whole action cycle is 4-5 cycles.

Post time: Jul-02-2024