How to exercise more scientifically and efficiently, reduce the chance of injury, and get a good body faster?

Before starting the scientific fitness process, we first need to understand the goal of fitness and the physical condition of the individual. Do you want to lose fat and build muscle, or do you want to improve heart and lung function and keep fit? Knowing your body condition can help you develop a fitness plan that is more tailored to your individual needs, so that you can achieve the desired results faster.


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First of all, warming up is an essential part. A proper warm-up can activate the body’s muscle groups, raise the body’s temperature, and prevent sports injuries. You can spend 10 minutes warming up with simple exercises such as brisk walking, jogging or dynamic stretching.

Next comes the formal exercise session. You can choose cardio or strength training based on your personal goals and preferences. Aerobic exercise can help burn fat and improve heart and lung function, such as jogging, playing ball, jumping rope, swimming or cycling, starting with low-intensity training, gradually increase the intensity, can help you improve the problem of obesity.

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Strength training helps to increase muscle mass and improve basic metabolic rate, such as dumbbell training, barbell training, based on compound movements, such as push-ups or squats, can exercise multiple muscle groups in the body and help to improve body proportion.

When formally training, it is recommended that you = first strength training, then arrange aerobic exercise, learn the correct movement standard, which can be more efficient to increase muscle fat and reduce the risk of injury.

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In the process of fitness, the correct way of breathing is crucial. Breathing can help provide oxygen, expel carbon dioxide, and prevent choking or discomfort during exercise. It is recommended to exhale when exerting and inhale when relaxing.


At the end of the workout, you need to stretch properly to relax. This helps relieve muscle tension, promotes muscle recovery, and prevents soreness and sports injuries. The action of stretching can include static stretching, dynamic stretching or PNF stretching.

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Finally, when developing a scientific fitness process, it is also necessary to pay attention to the reasonable arrangement of rest and diet. Eat, sleep and exercise lack of three major elements, a combination of work and rest, sufficient rest can promote muscle recovery, and a reasonable diet can provide the energy and nutrients required for exercise.

Post time: Jan-22-2024