The AB Roller is a very effective training tool for working the core, abs and upper arms. Here’s how to use the AB roller correctly: Adjust the distance of the roller: At the beginning, place the AB roller in front of the body, about shoulder height from the ground. Depending on an individual’s strength and fitness level, the distance between the rollers and the body can be adjusted slightly.


Ready position: Begin in a kneeling position with feet shoulder-width apart, hold the roller with hands shoulder-width apart, and place palms down on the roller.


Bend your knees and lift your hips: use the strength of your waist and abdomen, grasp the roller with both hands, bend your knees to lift your hips, and keep your back straight. Rolling out the roller: Slowly roll out forward, extending your body forward, keeping your core tensed and making sure your back is straight.

Controlled roller return: When the body is extended forward to the longest position, use the strength of the core muscles to control the roller back to the starting position. Note that during this process, the back and abdomen should continue to be straight.


Breathe properly: Breathe naturally and do not hold your breath during the push-off and back-stroke. important hint: Beginners are advised to start with easy rolling and gradually increase the difficulty. Avoid rolling too fast or with erratic movements, which could result in injury. If you experience pain or discomfort, stop training immediately and seek professional advice.

Before using the AB Roller, make sure you don’t have any medical issues or limitations that make your body suitable for this type of training. By using the AB roller correctly, combined with proper diet and other exercises, you can help build a strong core and abs.

Post time: Jul-18-2023