In the age of national fitness, exercise is a thing to be encouraged. Maintaining the habit of exercise can strengthen the body, improve immunity, prolong life, improve obesity, and create excellent body lines.

Most people who lose weight will choose running, fast walking, aerobics and other sports to improve activity metabolism and promote the decline of body fat rate. However, some people said: adhere to exercise for a period of time, but the weight loss effect is not obvious, and even weight increase, why is this? How long can exercise consume body fat, need to insist on more than half an hour?fitness exercise 1

One study showed that at the beginning of aerobic exercise, the body is mainly involved in the consumption of glycogen in the muscles, and the amount of fat is very small.

Exercise for more than 30 minutes, glycogen consumption began to decrease, fat participation began to increase, both accounted for 50%. In other words, exercise less than 30 minutes, fat burning efficiency is not obvious. If you want to achieve the obvious fat burning effect, the exercise duration is better than 30 minutes.

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Strength training for fat consumption is even less, squat, pull-up, bench press, hard pull and other strength training is mainly for muscle exercise (consumption of glycogen based) anaerobic exercise, can improve muscle mass, so that the body to maintain a strong basic metabolic value, thereby increasing calorie consumption.

During the fitness period, people who only do strength training and do not do aerobic exercise will find that the weight will increase in a short period of time, which is because the muscle mass has increased.

People who adhere to strength training for a long time, with the improvement of basic metabolism, fat will also be consumed, and the progress of muscle building and fat reduction will gradually get better.

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 However, although it is said that exercise for more than half an hour will be better fat burning efficiency, it does not mean that exercise for less than 30 minutes will not have any weight loss effect.

Because compared with sedentary people, even if you exercise for 10 minutes, 20 minutes of heat consumption will be more than sedentary people, although the exercise time is short, fat burning efficiency is not obvious, but in the long run, combined with diet management, the body will slowly become thin.

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If you want to improve the efficiency of fat burning through exercise and create a thin body, in addition to ensuring the length of exercise, you can also add strength training. Strength training can build muscle, improve the basal metabolic value, avoid excessive aerobic exercise to muscle loss.

When it comes to fitness, first perform 30 minutes of strength training to consume glycogen, and then arrange aerobic exercise (30-40 minutes) at this time, which can allow the body to enter the state of fat burning faster, and the body can maintain a vigorous metabolism after training, continue to consume calories, and lose weight.

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Post time: Jun-17-2024