Fitness only do strength training, do not do aerobic exercise can slim down?

The answer is yes, but it needs to be clear that only doing strength training without aerobic exercise will be slower to lose weight.

This is because strength training mainly focuses on increasing muscle mass and strength, rather than directly burning fat. Although muscles expend some energy during exercise, this expenditure is much less than that of aerobic exercise.

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However, consistent strength training also has its own unique contribution to slimming.

First of all, muscle is the energy-consuming tissue of the body, and increasing muscle mass means that the body’s basal metabolic rate will be correspondingly increased, thus burning more calories in daily activities.

Secondly, muscles also continue to expend energy while at rest, which is called “resting muscle expend” and helps to create a lean body that everyone envies.

Finally, strength training helps shape the body, making the body line more tight and beautiful, such as carving the goddess’s buttocks, waistcoat lines, boys inverted triangle, unicorn arms, abs figure.

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In addition, if you want to slim down better, you can consider a combination of aerobic exercise and strength training.

Aerobic exercise such as running, swimming, cycling, etc. can effectively burn fat and promote weight loss. And strength training such as dumbbell, barbell training can exercise muscle group, help to improve the basal metabolic rate, so that the body can continue to consume calories at rest, the combination of the two can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

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In short, only doing strength training without aerobic exercise can indeed slim down, but at a slower pace. If you want to achieve weight loss goals more quickly, it is recommended to combine aerobic exercise with a full range of training.

At the same time, a reasonable diet is also very important, we must ensure that the intake of calories is lower than the total metabolic value of the body, replace a variety of high-calorie foods with low-calorie foods, create a heat gap for the body, in order to achieve the best slimming effect.

Post time: Jun-01-2024