Five rules of scientific muscle growth, let you spend the shortest time,

the most muscle growth!


In fitness training, some people want to lose weight, some people want to gain muscle, and the way to gain muscle, fat loss is different.

How can people who want to build muscle build a great body?


Five rules of scientific muscle growth, let you spend the shortest time, the most muscle growth!

Rule 1: Compound action is dominant

Muscle building training should be based on resistance training to improve muscle dimension, and the choice of movements should be based on complex movements, such as squat, lunge squat,

rowing,hard pull, pull-up, push up, bench press and other movements involving multiple muscle groups, can drive the development of multiple muscle groups together, so as to improve muscle

building efficiency.


Rule 2: The right weight for you

Do not blindly carry out heavy weight training during muscle strengthening training, which is easy to injure yourself. It is recommended that you choose the weight of 10-15RM for muscle

strengthening,that is to say, the weight of a weight for 10-15 times of exertion is the best weight for improving muscle dimension.


Rule 3: Take reasonable breaks

Muscle building requires a combination of work and rest, not working the same muscle group every day, which can lead to muscle fibers in a torn state that can’t be repaired. The body can be

divided into different muscle groups, the big muscle group needs to rest for 3 days after training, and the small muscle group needs 2 days after training to start the next round of training.

Adequate rest time for muscles is the main premise of muscle growth and repair.


Rule 4: Moderate aerobic exercise

During muscle building, we can schedule appropriate aerobic exercise, such as running, jumping rope and HIIT interval training 2-3 times a week to strengthen physical endurance and control

body fat percentage, so that the performance of muscle building training can be better, but also to develop a slicker muscle figure.


Rule 5, avoid dirty muscle, ensure adequate protein intake

Diet is also a very important part of building muscle. The so-called three points exercise seven points to eat, we need to properly increase calorie intake, supplement high quality protein,

in order to give muscle supplement enough amino acids, promote muscle synthesis.


During muscle building, be sure to learn to eat healthy and avoid junk food resulting in fat accumulation. We should learn to eat more meals, which can improve food absorption rate.

Food should be mainly steamed and boiled, stay away from all kinds of high-oil and salt foods, and carry out a low-fat, high-protein diet, which is conducive to muscle building and fat loss.


Post time: May-08-2023