Fitness equipment, dumbbells are very flexible, convenient equipment, the use of dumbbells at home can be strength training. Just need to arrange a reasonable fitness few, dumbbells can help us exercise the whole body muscle group, shape the perfect body.

So, how to use dumbbells to exercise the whole body muscle group? Here are some common dumbbell moves:

A. Lunge dumbbell press: This movement can exercise shoulder and arm muscles.

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Standard movement: Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand, step forward with your left foot, step back with your right foot, then push the dumbbell from your shoulder to your head, then back to your shoulder, and repeat.

B. Lean dumbbell row: This movement can exercise the back muscles.

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Standard movement: Hold a dumbbell in each hand, bend the body forward, bend the knees slightly, then pull the dumbbell from the ground to the chest, then put it back on the ground, repeat this movement.

C. dumbbell bench press: This movement can exercise chest muscles, arm muscles.


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Standard movement: Lie on the bench with a dumbbell in each hand, then push the dumbbell from the chest to the top, then back to the chest, and repeat.

D. dumbbell squats: Dumbbell squats are a very effective exercise for strengthening leg muscles.

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Exercise standard: You can choose the weight that suits you, knees slightly bent, hands holding dumbbells, back straight, and then slowly squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Finally stand up slowly and repeat many times.

E. dumbbell hard pull: dumbbell hard pull can effectively exercise the muscles of the hips, waist and legs.

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Standard movement: You can choose the weight that suits you, hold the dumbbell with both hands, back straight, knees slightly bent, and then slowly lean forward until the body is parallel to the ground. Finally stand up slowly and repeat many times.

F. Dumbbell push-up row: dumbbell push-up row can effectively exercise the muscles of the back and arms.

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Standard movement: You can choose the weight that suits you, lie on your stomach, hold the dumbbell with both hands, arms straight, and then slowly bend your elbows to pull the dumbbell near your chest. Slowly return to the original position and repeat many times.

How do boys choose dumbbell weight?

When boys choose dumbbell weight, they need to choose according to their physical conditions and exercise purposes. In general, the weight of a boy’s dumbbell should be between 8-20 kg. Beginners can choose lighter weights and gradually increase the weight.

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How do girls choose dumbbell weight?

Girls in the choice of dumbbell weight, generally should choose a lighter weight. Beginners can choose 2-5 kg dumbbells and gradually increase the weight. Girls’ dumbbells should not weigh more than 10 kg.

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Dumbbell exercise is a very effective way to exercise, but the training should be combined with work and rest, and the target muscle group should rest for 2-3 days after training before opening the next round of training.

In addition, when choosing dumbbell weight, you need to choose according to your physical condition and exercise purpose, and do not blindly pursue large weight. I hope you can use dumbbell exercise to shape the perfect body.

Post time: Jun-07-2024