Squats – the golden movement of fitness, long-term training has many benefits:

1, squats can effectively increase the body’s metabolic rate. When we do squats, we need to consume a lot of energy, which can help us speed up the metabolism, so as to achieve the purpose of increasing the metabolic rate of the body.

The increase in metabolic rate means that our bodies can burn fat more efficiently, which is undoubtedly good news for friends who want to stay in shape.


2. Squats can also build up our muscle strength. This movement can not only help us exercise to the thigh, buttocks, abdomen and other parts of the muscles, effectively improve the lower limb curve, shape a beautiful buttock, tight long legs.

3, squatting can also improve our bone density, which has a good effect on preventing osteoporosis and enhancing the body’s ability to fight against it, helping to maintain a healthy body state.


4. Squats can also improve our balance. In the process of doing squats, we need to keep the body balance, which can effectively exercise our sense of balance. A good sense of balance can not only help us avoid falls in daily life, but also improve our performance in sports.

However, in squats training, many people will make some common mistakes. Below, I’ll share some personal life lessons and tips to help you avoid these mistakes.


First, let’s take a look at the position you should pay attention to when squatting. A lot of people will ignore this and think that just lifting the weight will do. However, if the posture is not correct, it will not only affect the training effect, but also lead to injury.

The correct squat position should be:

With your legs shoulder-width apart, your feet pointing outward, your knees pointing in the same direction as your feet,

Keep your back straight, eyes straight ahead, and your center of gravity steady.

During squats, avoid inlocking your knees,

Focus on controlled breathing, squatting down as you inhale and standing up as you exhale.



Second, pay attention to the depth of the squat. Many people think that the deeper the squat, the better, in fact, this is not correct. Too deep squats may lead to increased burden on the knee and lumbar spine, and even cause injury. It is recommended that the new man squat to the hip and knee joint height position can be.

Finally, pay attention to the intensity and frequency of your training. Many people will think that if the weight is large enough and the number of training times is enough, you will get good results.



However, too much weight and too high a training frequency can lead to muscle fatigue and injury. Therefore, the intensity and frequency of training should be reasonably arranged according to their physical conditions and training objectives.

Beginners can start with freehand training, 15 each time, repeat 4-5 groups, exercise once every 2-3 days, achieve a combination of work and rest, give muscles rest time, and gradually improve the training intensity after a period of time, so that you can exercise more efficiently.

Post time: Oct-30-2023