There are many ways of fitness training, skipping and running are common ways of exercise, then, 15 minutes a day skipping and 40 minutes a day running people, long-term persistence, what is the difference between the two?

fitness exercise =3


First of all, from the point of view of exercise intensity, 15 minutes of skipping every day, although the time is short, but the action of skipping requires whole body coordination, can raise the heart rate in a short time, so that the body can enter the fat-burning state. Large base group is not suitable for jumping rope training, and many novices generally can not stick to too long, need to be grouped to complete.

And 40 minutes of running every day, the intensity is relatively low, you can choose your own pace according to your own physical condition, long-term exercise can improve activity metabolism, slowly improve physical endurance.

 Rope skipping exercise 1

Second, from the point of view of the exercise effect, skipping mainly exercises the muscles of the lower limbs and cardiopulmonary function, which can achieve a fat-burning state in a short period of time, while preventing muscle loss, so that you can maintain a strong metabolic level when you rest, and the fat-burning effect will be higher.

Running pays more attention to the coordination and endurance of the whole body, can comprehensively improve physical fitness, although the efficiency of fat burning is not as good as skipping, but running can strengthen bone density, prevent disease, strengthen immunity, and improve health index.

Rope skipping exercise


Third, from the point of view of fun, the action of skipping is diverse, you can skip single rope, multi-person rope, single-leg rope, high-lift leg rope, you can make people feel different fun and challenges in sports; Running allows people to breathe fresh air outdoors, enjoy the scenery along the way, and feel relaxed and happy in the exercise.

Fourth, from the point of view of adaptability, the intensity of running is relatively low, relatively simple, almost everyone can participate in, is a very popular way of exercise. Jumping rope needs to master certain skills and rhythm, and it may take some time and patience for beginners to get used to it.

Rope skipping exercise 2


Of course, there is no difference between the two kinds of exercise, the key lies in personal preference and actual situation. If you are usually relatively busy, the weight base is not too large, you can start with jump rope training.

If your base is relatively large, or the exercise ability is relatively poor, you can start with jogging. No matter which way you choose, as long as you can stick to it, you can gain health and happiness.

Therefore, we do not have to be too entangled in which exercise is better, the important thing is to find a suitable way of exercise, and persevere to stick to it.

Post time: Jun-06-2024